Scariest Rare Mental Disorders of All Time

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Mental illnesses are one of the most significant causes of disability. These illnesses are due to underlying medical conditions and might get triggered due to environmental factors. Europe is the country with the highest rate of mental illnesses found in people. There are various types of mental disorders and their severity varies from person to person. Depression is the most common mental disorder, followed by anxiety. However, apart from these common neurological diseases, there are some uncommon disorders too. These are very rarely found, but they do exist. The disability that they cause to their victims is severe and it affects their lives adversely.

Let us find out what some of the weirdest mental illnesses that actually exists. Prepare to be shocked that these disease truly exists.

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The name itself is self-explanatory. The disorder characterized by the unusual desire of a person to give pain to themself by eating or biting their own body parts. The most common part of the body involved in this are fingers and hands. Although this disorder is yet to be part of classification in the DSMIV, there has been cases reported about it several times now. There are case studies of such patients who were found to be eating their own fingers after nails. This condition may arise independently or in association with some other illness.

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