Celebrity Moms Reveals Their Postpartum Depression Struggles

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Motherhood is definitely the most rewarding and fulfilling experience of a woman’s life. However, there are certain dark secrets that are a part and parcel of motherhood and a new mother has to learn to cope with them. Postpartum Depression, for instance, is one such troubling condition that affects one out of seven new mothers around the world. Postpartum Depression is a condition where the new mother experiences chronic depressive feelings to such an extent that it becomes difficult for her to go about with day-to-day activities normally. It may affect the mother soon after childbirth or a few days/weeks/months later. The mother feels sad, stressed, irritable, and anxious to an alarmingly high level and requires medical treatment to recover.

Many of us feel that celebrities never have to face any problem both pre and post motherhood, which is untrue. Celebrity moms are as much vulnerable to postpartum depression as any other female. From Drew Barrymore to Brooke Shields and Gwyneth Paltrow, there are many examples where celebrity moms faced postpartum depression and struggled to cope with it. In fact, for a celebrity mom dealing with postpartum depression is more difficult because of constantly being monitored by news-hungry paparazzi and media houses. Let’s check out some inspiring stories of celebrities who successfully dealt with postpartum depression without letting it affect their personal or professional lives.

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