New Treatment Gives Hope to Psoriasis Patients

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There is no cure for psoriasis. However there is hope with a couple new prescription creams that have hit the market that have made huge difference. In clinical studies, almost 10% of patients had clear or almost clear skin after 2 weeks.  Over 40% of patients had clear or almost clear skin after 8 weeks.  The studies also show that after 4 weeks post treatment, 33% of patients still had clear or almost clear skin, and that less than 2% of patients experienced skin thinning. 

Hopefully, new innovative drugs like Siliq and Duobrii will provide patients of psoriasis with new treatment options that are both effective and less expensive, as well as having less potential side effects than currently available systemic and biologics drugs.

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Typical Plaque Psoriasis on Chest.

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Psoriasis is a debilitating skin disease that afflicts 125 million people worldwide. 

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