10 Health Benefits of Garlic

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Garlic has been used to treat many a disease since times immemorial. In fact, it is one of the oldest recorded plants to be used for medicinal purposes. Even ancient Greek physicians used to prescribe garlic as a remedy for a number of conditions. Scientists now have realized that most of these remedies are extremely viable and are supported by sound reasoning and research. Garlic is undoubtedly a very beneficial addition to our food and its importance shouldn’t be overlooked. 

A pinch of garlic makes everything taste better. Find out what a pinch of garlic in your life can help benefit your health.

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Increased stamina

There is clear evidence that the ancient Egyptians, especially the lower labor classes used to intake garlic for increased strength and stamina. Cloves of garlic were found during the excavation of King Tutankhamen’s Tomb, piquing the interest of many scientists. Similarly in Greece, garlic has been found abundantly during the excavation of their temples and they were found to use garlic in their military food, especially during battles. Even the athletes at the first Olympics were fed garlic before their events to enhance their performance.

Scientists confirmed these theories with proper research. Allicin, an important ingredient of garlic, helps increase body heat and testosterone level, which in turn aids in muscle growth and enhanced athletic performance.

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