Tips: How To Keep From Having Allergy Attacks

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Ahhh Springtime, the sun is shining, the flowers are budding, the birds are chirping, it’s warm outside… and you can’t really enjoy any of it because you can barely see through the blurry vision, the snot that seems to have an endless amount of reservoir running down your nose. Then the wind comes and blow all the dusts and allergens into mayhem. Once the allergy attacks start, there is no amount of antihistamine that can help you. You’re pretty much done for the day and the only salvation is to lay down and go to sleep.

So how can you prevent from having this miserable experience sometimes both in the Spring and Autumn? Well, here are some preventive few tips that will help you from setting off those allergy attacks.

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Neti Your Nose

By far the best and most natural way to remove all the allergen that you’re breathing in especially during high allergy seasons is to flush it out. The word “neti” means “nasal cleansing” and comes from the historical Indian language, Sanskrit. Neti is the oldest form of nasal irrigation and was developed as an ayurvedic yoga tradition to cleanse the body, starting with the nasal passage. This is by far the most effective way to prevent you from not only allergy attacks but any airborne particulates that may make you sick. You can use the traditional neti pot, an electric nasal contraption or you can use the nose attachment for your Waterpick. Use half a teaspoon of salt and bottled water. Often times, baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is added to the salt if you buy pre-packaged salt. It is incredibly important to use either bottled water or if you use tap water, remember to boil the water for at least 3 minutes, let it cool before using it to irrigate your nasal passage otherwise you will risk getting flesh eating bacteria, which is a far worst condition that may result in death… than having allergy attacks.

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