I Volunteered to Test the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Trial

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I am officially participating in Phase 3 of the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) ENSEMBLE vaccine clinical trials by Johnson & Johnson (J&J). My participation began in mid November 2020. I enrolled in this drug trial as I felt a duty to do whatever I could to end the endless lockdowns which have cost millions of working class Americans their jobs and small businesses. The risk of getting ill for a few days or weeks due to an unproven vaccine was a bargain I would have taken any time of the day.  

To enter the trial, I had to answer several pages of questions in regards to my health etc.  On the first appointment, I was given an injection which had a 50-50% probability of being the actual vaccine. Neither myself nor anyone else at the facility knew if I had been given the vaccine.  I have since returned to the original facility on 2 occasions to give blood samples and answer follow up questions.  

On the first appointment, I was given an injection which had a 50-50% probability of being the actual vaccine. Neither myself nor anyone else at the facility knew if I had been given the vaccine.  I have since returned to the original facility on 2 occasions to give blood samples and answer follow up questions. It is anticipated that the first J&J vaccine test results will be reported in late January 2021 or early February of 2021.  

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2019-2020 Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Trial Study

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It is a privilege to be a part of a study that will further our understanding of the pathogenicity of this virus and our adaptive immune response to combat it. The J&J effort is important because it is the only one of the major vaccine efforts to be testing a single dose and where the main goal of the study is to test whether the vaccine prevents severe or moderate Covid-19, not just symptoms of the disease. Another advantage of the J&J vaccine is that it requires only a simple refrigerator to store it vs. complex and expensive refrigeration methods required by the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

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