10 Warning Signs and Symptoms of Protein Deficiency

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We live in a world where more than the thoughts, behaviors, and gestures it is our appearance that reflects our personality. As they say, if you are Thin, you are IN! Therefore, people tend to worry a lot about their looks and turn to unhealthy ways of keeping their bodies in shape. The quest to lose weight entails turning to drastic measures like intermittent fasting and cutting calories from the daily diet, consuming low-carb or even no-carb meals, and refraining from eating protein-rich foods. This leads to the development of protein deficiency in our body.

Not many people are aware that protein is an essential building block for our muscles and a vital micronutrient for our optimal well-being. Nutritionists suggest that one must consume at least 20gms of protein with every meal. Any lesser amount than this would lead to causing lack of protein. Remember that protein deficiency doesn’t happen overnight; several signs hint at the onset of protein deficiency. Check out all those red flags that indicate your body needs more protein.

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You Don’t Lose Weight Despite Regular Workouts

If you workout regularly and still don’t see any changes in your weight, it indicates protein deficiency. What happens is that weight lifting breaks down muscle fibers. If you don’t consume a protein-packed meal right after working out, you miss out on the most critical refueling process. So, all you end up with after an intense workout session is broken down muscles. Protein is necessary to repair the muscle fibers and make them stronger, whereas a lack of protein leads to muscle loss. Therefore, you don’t observe any changes in your weight.

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